Breaking free from fear.

Fear typically comes into a person's heart when they anticipate or receive new information that is concerning. Perhaps information about their health, or finances, or even examination results. Whatever our fears, they are typically tied to information. The thing to note then is that, if the source of our fear is new information, it stands … Continue reading Breaking free from fear.

Prophets, Pundits or Politicians

One of the sadder side shows of our recent high drama political premiere is the cameo role of several persons purporting to speak for God on the outcomes of the elections. There were several different reported dreams, visions, and foretellings of how events are going to play out. That in itself is not a problem, … Continue reading Prophets, Pundits or Politicians

Life is rigged in your favour

Overwhelmed by the sheer generosity of God's grace, Paul the apostle asks rhetorically in Romans 8:31, "what then shall we say to these things?" This question flows from surveying the amazing grace of God at work since before you were born - before creation even - to bring you into the glory of God. Verse … Continue reading Life is rigged in your favour

The Importance of Good Doctrine

Your eye is the lamp of your body; when your eye (your conscience) is sound and fulfilling its office, your whole body is full of light; but when it is not sound and is not fulfilling its office, your body is full of darkness. Be careful, therefore, that the light that is in you is not darkness. Luke 11:34-35 … Continue reading The Importance of Good Doctrine

The Grave Danger of Being Good

Righteousness is not at all like school grades. With school grades, the man who scores 99.9 is a genius, and has perhaps earned the right to carry a chip on his shoulders, and scorn the laggards who score in the lowly 20s and 30s. With righteousness, the man who scores 99.9 in moral matters, and … Continue reading The Grave Danger of Being Good

The Love of Money. What is it?

I'm almost certain that you have heard the popular refrain "it is the love of money that is the root of all evil, not money." This is 100% accurate. Yet, for me, it wasn't a very helpful fact because it didn't answer the question of what it means to love money. You see, the vast … Continue reading The Love of Money. What is it?

A Declaration of War

Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Matt 6:10 The first desire that the believer expresses in the Lord's prayer is not a fond wish that in the sweet by and by, the glorious kingdom of our God will come to earth. It is instead a solemn and resolute … Continue reading A Declaration of War

A Concise Summary of God’s Plan for you

Then God said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like us and resemble us. Gen 1:26 From the beginning, all God really wanted was a big family. He as Father (Abba), wanted to have many sons (children) who were like him and resemble him. Soon after man was placed in the … Continue reading A Concise Summary of God’s Plan for you